Hello! We are the Little family.

During the Covid-19 crisis, we have been isolating in three homes. Michael (brother) and Nicole (sister) make separate visits to our parents’ backyard. Carol (mom) spends time with her children and grandchildren at a distance. Everyone has been feeling isolated and disconnected.

In April, we started making fantastic fusion beasts – animals that are a mashup of two different species. We send them to each other digitally. It has been a great stress reliever and an engaging artistic challenge.

Working with STEPSinitiative has given us the opportunity to share fusion beasts with a wider audience. Using recycled materials (and a lot of Mod Podge), we have constructed a Fusion Beasts Zoo to brighten up our neighbourhoods. We are always looking for new animals to add to our menagerie! Submit a Beast and we’ll add it to the zoo!

We have been busy creating how-to videos and instructions so that you can try your hand at fusion beast creation. We have also put together some lesson plans for parents and teachers so that children can make their own inventions. Fusion beasts can be collaged out of magazines. They can be drawn or sculpted using print or online references or just using your imagination

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